How to Survive the Final Month of Pregnancy

Hey all!  This is an exciting post for me!  I'm writing it at 36+1 which means I'm about 4 weeks from the estimated due date of our second baby, and officially in the final month of pregnancy!  To say the time has flown by would be an understatement.  There was so much I wanted to have done before #2 comes along, and it doesn't seem like the To-Do list has gotten any shorter, even though I've been running around like a crazy person for the last 6 weeks.  In my final month of pregnancy I'm dedicated to tackling the list and getting everything ready for our sweet new arrival.

The final month of pregnancy is fraught with apprehension, curiosity, excitement, and an overwhelming need to get shit done!  Each day I'm hyper-aware of every little movement and feeling, wondering if it's time.  This excitement is immediately followed by slight panic when I realize I have virtually nothing ready for going to the hospital!

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So, instead of actually getting this stuff done, I'm writing about it – haha.  I'm bringing you into my home for a glimpse at what my final month of pregnancy is looking like in hopes that you can find some motivation and comfort in your own final month of pregnancy.

The To-Do List

Yikes.  Since we found out about baby #2 I've had a pretty good list in my head of a few important things I wanted to accomplish before he/she is born.  Then I started adding to it.  And adding.  And adding.  The list has become a living monster!  Nah, it's not that bad, but there are a few important items that still need to be addressed.

What I Started With

  • Freezer Meals
  • Paint the Big Girl room and move Sweet Girl over
  • Get Sweet Girl out of the crib
  • Buy a double stroller (maybe)
  • Set up the nursery for a newborn
  • Buy a new nursing chair
  • Plant, weed, water, tend, harvest the garden
  • Process the little bit of excess from the garden
  • Finish living room revamp
  • Refresh the play room
  • Complete the family room
  • Finish our bedroom
  • Start a blog
  • Create a will
  • Christmas shop
  • Clean up sewing list
  • Make Halloween Costumes
  • Deep clean the house
  • Have the command center finished

What it Looks Like in My Final Month of Pregnancy

  • Freezer Meals – IN PROGRESS
  • COMPLETE – Paint the Big Girl room and move Sweet Girl over
  • COMPLETE – Get Sweet Girl out of the crib
  • Buy a double stroller (maybe) – STILL UNSURE
  • COMPLETE – Set up the nursery for a newborn
  • Buy a new nursing chair – WAITING ON ARRIVAL
  • Plant, weed, water, tend, harvest the garden
  • Process the little bit of excess from the garden
  • Finish living room revamp – WAITING ON CARPET AND TRIM
  • Refresh the play room
  • Complete the family room – WON'T GET DONE
  • Finish our bedroom – WON'T GET DONE
  • Christmas shop – STARTED AND ONGOING
  • Clean up sewing list – CONSTANTLY IN PROGRESS
  • Make Halloween Costumes
  • Deep clean the house – ALMOST DONE
  • Pack for the hospital and prepare for Sweet Girl's stay away from Mama & Daddy
  • Have the command center finished

How I'm Coping

As you can see, there's a lot I'm working on during my final month of pregnancy.  This is, of course, on top of trying to get this blog off the ground, the regular household and mothering duties, unexpected additions, the little bit of babysitting I've been doing, doctor appointments, visiting friends and family, and trying to get out to the field once in a while.

I'm finding that the final month of pregnancy is a fine, fine balance between working my butt off and getting enough rest so I don't have to sit on the couch all day to recover.  As you can imagine, this is not as easy as it sounds.

[bctt tweet=”The final month of #pregnancy is a fine line between working my butt off and getting enough rest so I don't have to take a day to recover. #momprobs” username=”hampsandhiccs”]

What a Typical Day Looks Like in My Final Month of Pregnancy

As much as I'd like to just get shit done, I have to remember to take breaks and schedule in chores that require a bit of sitting.

The days that I babysit I try to keep as active as possible when the little ones are awake.  I'll do my household chores, wash walls, process any fruits and vegetables, make some freezer meals.  Anything I can do while still being present with them.

Then, when they're napping, I get to work on the jobs that need more of my focus.  I'll work on the blog, do some gardening, or get at the sewing machine.  Anything I can do while sitting (sewing, blogging, list making) I do.  This is also consider resting time.

If it's just me and Sweet Girl at home, I try to do things that she thinks she's helping with while she's awake.

Once Sweet Girl is in bed I prepare for the next day, then get back to work on to-do list for my final month of pregnancy.  Often times this means a bit of sewing followed by more computer work.

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How I'm Staying Motivated

Knowing that this baby could decide to enter the world at any given time is motivation enough to get my butt in gear!  As much as I'd love to have a complete lazy day here or there, I know that if I do I'll regret it later.  I want to have all my chores and tasks caught up for when baby is brought home.  That's when I'll relax and be lazy.  Hubby will be home for a bit and we'll be able to enjoy our time together as a new family of 4.

We want to bring our new baby home to a prepared and well-stocked environment to eliminate stressful fumbling and last-minute store runs.  I want to be able to rest and heal knowing that there's food in the freezer and a clean house for Sweet Girl to play in even when I don't feel like getting off the couch.

Honestly, in the final month of pregnancy it really isn't hard to stay motivated!  Nesting is in full force and there's a serious need to keep busy.  I'm thankful to God everyday that I'm healthy and able to do all my chores and tasks while growing new life.

How I'm Finding Me Time in My Final Month of Pregnancy

I seriously want to power through and get my list finished, but I know if I do I'll be worse off than when I started.  Since I'm so far along in my pregnancy, it's important that I find time to relax and let my mind wander to menial things.  My favourite ways to do this are:

  • Have a nice soothing bath at the end of the day
    • I throw in some comforting bath bombs and soak away the demands of my days.  I used to enjoy reading in the tub, but lately I can't even focus on that.
  • Just sit
    • If I have 10 or 15 minutes I'll take that time to just sit in my favourite chair and zone out.  It helps me prepare for the next leg of my day.
  • Watch some boob
    • I'll throw on Netflix and grab a 20 minute episode or two at the end of the night.  It's the perfect way for me to not focus on anything else.

I'm looking forward to having a lot of our list accomplished and being able to reap the rewards of our hard work while enjoying the time with our new baby and Sweet Girl.  Once baby is brought home, Hubby will have a week or so of time to stay with us.  It will be special to just relax and not worry about getting a bunch of chores done.

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Let me know how your final month of pregnancy is going.  Any special projects you had to get finished up?  Anything you wish you would have gotten done sooner?  Leave a comment or send an email to  Remember to pin this and follow me on Pinterest & Twitter.

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