4 Products To Help Babies (and parents) Sleep Better At Night

4 Products To Help Babies Sleep Better At NightA few years back a survey found that parents lose a staggering 6 months sleep during the first two years of their child’s life.

One of the reasons is that whilst babies (and especially newborns) sleep a lot, they do it in fits and starts throughout the 24 hour period, making it virtually impossible for parents to get a consolidated 8 hours sleep.

But despite the universal problem of parental sleep deprivation, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

So where do you turn when you’ve listened to countless experts, bought every single baby sleep book, but still face the seemingly endless frustration of getting baby to sleep?

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Baby-Led Weaning: What you need to know from 2 moms who are living it

are you looking to start weaning your baby? wondering how to start your baby on solids? Try baby-led weaning for fast and fun results. perfect for the lazy #momlife. #blw how to wean a baby. great resource for advice on giving a baby food and when to start introducing solids.
are you looking to start weaning your baby? wondering how to start your baby on solids? Try baby-led weaning for fast and fun results. perfect for the lazy #momlife. #blw how to wean a baby. great resource for advice on giving a baby food and when to start introducing solids.
are you looking to start weaning your baby? wondering how to start your baby on solids? Try baby-led weaning for fast and fun results. perfect for the lazy #momlife. #blw how to wean a baby. great resource for advice on giving a baby food and when to start introducing solids.
Are you looking for an easy and fun way to feed your baby? Sick of spoon feeding that slimy mush into an unexcited baby mouth? Please consider trying BLW!  It's an absolutely savior for a lazy parent.  I've partnered up with Jayne from The Unstoppable Mama to show you what real life baby-led weaning is like!

We talk about blw starter foods, reasons for trying blw, choking and even the comments other people feel they need to make! Pretty much everything you need to know to get started with baby-led weaning.

If you're looking for more info, I've written a couple other posts on the topic:

Before we get too far, I just wanted to mention that Jayne is living my former dream life!  She has two babies, 10 months apart, and is expecting their 3rd, making it 3 under 3!  I always wanted a huge family with our babies 11-18 months apart each.  Now that we have a girl and a boy, we've decided we're good with that.  However, I do still envy the bigger families!

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What You Need to Know About Postpartum Depression Groups

Back in October, our second baby, Pip, was born.

postpartum depression is real, raw, emotional, scary, life threatening. it is a disease. How many women are affected? 1 in 5. that's 20%. you are not alone. it's more than just the baby blues. more than just overwhelm. more than just fatigue. find out what I learned and how it can help you in your own journey after your baby is born.As most newborns are, he was squishy, sleepy and cuddly. I was pretty prepared for this. What I wasn't prepared for was the emotions I would feel. To the point where I thought I had postpartum depression.

When Sweet Girl was born, I had absolutely ZERO negative effects. I was SO in love with being a mama and amazed at how we lucked out with such an easy baby (she slept through the night at 3 weeks!). Of course, I didn't expect future babies to be as perfect, but I also didn't expect what I experienced with Baby Pip.

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Why Quality of Sleep is Important for Any Mother

Becoming a new mother can be a very chaotic time. You will notice that your sleep quality and regulatory takes a nosedive, as does your ability to relax as you become more and more attentive to the life of brand new little human. Worrying about a million things at once is stock in trade for a new mother and father. This is fine of course, because any worry or sleepless night is repaid over a thousand times in having a bundle of love to call your own. It truly is a special experience like no other.

However, that doesn’t mean neglecting your peace of mind and sleep is something advisable. It’s not necessarily a complete requirement every single day in order to enjoy and look after your child well. Sometimes, it pays to be smart, and self-care is always smart. Now, you might be reading this thinking ‘well that’s easy for you! Am I supposed to tell my infant baby to stop waking me up?’ Well, of course not. However, what you can do is improve the quality of your sleep.

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