What You Need Before You Start Your New Decking Project

wooden deck of family home

It may not feel like it right now, but Spring is coming and if you have any big home and garden improvements planned for the warmer weather, you had better start getting ready.

Remember how we all rediscovered just how important our gardens were last summer?

Well, we may be trapped inside with the heating on right now, but as soon as those clouds clear and the numbers on the outdoor thermometer start ticking back up, we are going to want to be outside as much as humanly possible.

Nothing beats a deck when it comes to making the most of your outdoor space to relax in the sunshine.

If you’re thinking about putting some boards down this spring, here are a few things you’ll need before you get started.

You Will Need A Plan

Sure, this sounds obvious, but have you really thought carefully about this project?

Have you considered where exactly you want the decking to go, and if the ground is flat enough to make that work?

Have you considered whether you’re going to be able to get all the materials through to the garden?

Have you thought about how visible your new deck space is going to be to your neighbors? Have you drawn up a budget to make sure you can afford the decking that you want?

A new deck feels like it should be an absolute breeze to put together but, as with all home improvement projects, if you don’t have a plan then you are going to make things very difficult for yourself.

You Will Need The Right Materials

construction worker installing an outdoor patio

But it’s not just about the decking itself. You’re also going to need to think about how you’re going to secure it. “Using the right power tools is crucial and can make your project much easier. Check out sites like Grays to find power tools at auction for great prices.”

So, you know where you’re going to put your new deck and you know how you’re going to get everything through to the garden.

But what are you going to use for decking? You’re going to want a material that won’t clash with the exterior of your house, and you should be looking at decking that is going to be easy to maintain in bad weather.

But it’s not just about the decking itself. You’re also going to need to think about how you’re going to secure it.

If you’re laying decking on flat surfaces, you should consider Wall Barn Decking paving support pads, which keep things clean and uniform, and which allow for water to drain off into the drainage outlet below.

For more information on support pads and more decking options, Exterior Solutions have a tremendous range of options for your project.

You Will Need To Be Safe

It is the cardinal rule of any home improvement project: never, ever get started without making sure that you have thought about your safety.

You should never attempt a project as big as this without a second pair of hands, so make sure you have someone helping you.

Make sure to wear goggles, gloves and any other safety gear that may be required and remember: if you are digging, always check for any cables and pipes that may be underneath.

Thousands of people injure themselves doing DIY every year so be smart and be safe.

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