The Potential Realities Of Buying A Riverside Property

The Potential Realities Of Buying A Riverside Property

There are a whole load of things to consider when it comes to moving house. During the hunt, you’ll want to consider everything, from proximity to schools, to local crime rates. In short; merely liking a house is nowhere near enough to seal the deal. Instead, homeowners take to the web for all manner of research. How well that goes depends on how likely they are to make an offer. One type of purchase to consider is buying riverside property. A rural setting being near a river, for instance, could win over a lot of people and satisfy many a buyer. What could be better than going for riverside strolls in your new home? Well, actually, quite a lot.

The Potential Realities Of Buying A Riverside Property

Buying riverside property village on a riverWe know, we know; the last thing you need is another reason NOT to buy a property. In truth, though, even the things you see as positives could work against a house in the long-run. For those who’ve never done it before, the idea of living near a river is a dream. The trouble is, once you take the plunge, it wouldn’t take long to find out that the reality is rarely as good as it seems. That’s not to say this should put you off altogether. But, it is worth considering these potential downsides before committing so you can make a good decision.

Sewage is in the air

It wouldn’t be fair to say that rivers smell bad all the time. More often than not, a river will have no odor. But, that’s not to say this will always be the case. Sewage leaks can lead to repercussions close to home. And, the majority of us wouldn’t embrace the reality of that stink in our backyards. Even if you don’t smell sewage, most rivers develop stagnant smells depending on the weather. As such, even an odorless river during a house viewing could soon become a stinky pit of property doom. Though you can buy candles and such to cover this issue, it’s worth asking yourself whether this is a compromise you’re willing to make.

You might not like your new neighbors

It’s also worth bearing in mind that you might not like your new neighbors. And, no; we aren’t talking about Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson from across the road. We are, of course, talking about the nasty neighbors who come hand in hand with the river. Most commonly, of course, this refers to rats. With waterways comes sewage, and with sewage comes rats. While they say we’re never far from a ratty rodent, those chances increase when you live in a river environment. In fact, residents of towns with rivers report much higher levels of rat infestation. That should come as no surprise. That way, they can squander your food, and still get their sewage fixes. It’s a win-win of the rat variety. But, it may not spell such good news for you and your family. Aside from being a pain, a rat infestation can lead to serious health issues due to flea bites. And, if your kids are out in the garden, that isn’t a worry you want on your shoulders. As if that weren’t enough, rivers also often attract insects like mosquitoes. Given that these are the leading carriers of malaria, that’s by no means a good thing. What’s more, you don’t even need to let the kids out to play to do damage here. Something as simple as an open window could lead to mozzie infestations and bites galore. So, if you have kids, it’s crucial you think about whether this move would be best for their safety.

Flood waters

Of course, for many homeowners, the main worry of riverside living is that of flooding. While not all rivers break their banks, the majority do after heavy rainfall. As such, there’s a chance that your home could fall foul to flood damage later down the line. Remember, too, that even an area which has never flooded in the past has potential to do so down the line. As such, you would need to put flood precautions in place. You would also need to consider this risk during your attempts at understanding your insurance policy after moving. The reality is, few companies would cover costs like these. After all, you chose to live in a high-risk area. That could lead to increased insurance costs on top of everything. And, money aside; flooding near home can be distressing and inconvenient. Severe flooding could lead you to leave your home, and could even stop you from reaching your workplace each day. It’s a far from ideal situation all around. And, if there’s a river at the back of your property, there’s a chance it’s one you’ll face at some stage.

Things might get messy

Buying riverside property river pollutionIt’s also worth considering that things are prone to get messy in riverside areas. The sad fact is, pollution levels in rivers are at an all-time high. And, the water does a fantastic job of carrying trash with it, then washing it up in inopportune places. As such, you can’t complain if you step outside to see crisp packets strewn at the edge of your garden. Despite best efforts, this is a facy of river life. What’s more, it’s an ongoing issue. You’ll clean it once only for the same to happen the next day. Admittedly, some councils are better than others at keeping things clear. As such, it may pay to ask around about policies for keeping the river clean. For the most part, though, you may want to think again if this would drive you crazy.


The above points don’t have to dissuade you from putting on offer on that property. Unlike crime rates, this is by no means a sure reason not to buy. But, if you have a young family, it’s essential you think through each pointer before moving forward. If they seem like a step too far for you right now, you might be best looking for somewhere on dry land instead.

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