Home Repairs That Can Only Be Fixed by a Professional


People can face many problems in their homes, and they can occur at any time. It could be a flickering bulb, a leaking tap, or a clogged kitchen sink.

Some of these problems can be fixed with the help of some DIY tips or simple fixes like the replacement of a bulb or a fuse.

But, there are some problems that will invariably need a professional touch, like a short circuit, or a leak in your plumbing.

If you try to take care of some problems on your own, it may cause more harm than good.

Keeping this in mind, we have compiled a list of problems that you should never try to resolve on your own and always call in professional help.

Burning Smell from Electric Wires

If one of your devices is faulty and gives off a burning odor, you can simply go ahead and replace it. But if a number of your electric devices are acting weird and have a burning smell, this definitely calls for a professional electrician. You are probably facing some major issues with the wiring in your house and the entire circuit needs to be looked into.

Frequent Breaks in the Circuit

The electric wiring in every house contains a circuit breaker (see more here). A limit is set on the circuit by the electric panel set up in your house.

When the limit is exceeded, the circuit breaker goes into action and the electric supply to the entire house is automatically cut off.

If you are facing frequent circuit breaks, there’s obviously something wrong with your electrical system that needs to be immediately looked into by a professional.

Unusually High Electricity Bills

Your electricity bill depends on the devices that you use. If you use more power-intensive devices, your bill is obviously going to be high.

But if you find your bills to be persistently and unusually high all the time, then it is a sign that there is something wrong with the wiring of your house.

This is likely causing your devices to heat up and it needs the attention of professional help.

Gas Leaks

Gas repairs are not only risky but can lead to major disasters if they go wrong. Even if the device using gas is fixed, you don’t know whether the leak has been taken care of or not.

It is always advisable to call in a professional for gas-related repairs.

Frozen Pipes

This is a problem usually faced by people who live in a cold area. Due to the extremely low temperatures, the pipes might freeze, blocking the water from flowing.

Even if the water trickles through the frozen pipes, they will surely crack. According to the professionals at allserviceplumbers.com, this calls for the help of a professional plumber. DIY tips will not help here.

Replacement of Water Heaters

Dealing with the electric wiring of a water heater is full of risks. It is not a task to be undertaken lightly.

The electricity running through the water heater is fatal, to say the least.

This is definitely a time to call in a professional, who, by the way, can be found by looking up handyman near me in Chrisney or a similar phrase on the Web.

Water Pressure

Low water pressure seems to be a simple enough problem when you think about it. The problem lies in the equipment that is needed to check the water pressure in your house.

An amateur will not only need the proper equipment, but also the professional knowledge and expertise that goes with the trade.

Growing Roots in Pipes

At times, the roots of trees can grow and expand through the pipes that lay underground. If you try to clear out the roots on your own, it could cause further blockage or the pipes may even crack. A professional plumber is needed to take care of this problem.

Major Renovations

People may get bored of the same environment when they have lived there for a long time. Renovations help remove the monotony from your life and can bring new energy to a home.

Minor renovations, like a change in the furniture, can be taken care of on your own. It is advisable not to do major electric or plumbing renovations on your own.

The problems that crop up by taking these things into your own hands might not be noticed before it is too late.

Restoring the Roof


Roof restoration is not a task to be taken on by amateurs, however keen and interested you might be.

A single shingle placed wrong could give you a leaky roof, which will cost more to repair than the original cost of your repair.

Professional help hired at the beginning will cost a lot less than what it would cost for you to repair a leaking roof.

Renovating the Basement

Creating a fully functional basement involves a lot of electrical and plumbing work.

While renovating a basement, you need to follow vapor barrier standards, fire blocking codes, and, at the same time, ensure the control and isolation of moisture.

It needs specific knowledge and experience to take care of a basement renovation.

Furnace Major Repairs and Replacement

While you can probably do minor furnace repairs, you need a professional furnace company to replace a furnace to ensure proper installation. A professional can help you from new furnace installation to furnace repair and replacement services.

Furnace professional services offer installation and maintenance of furnaces for residential and commercial needs. They employ highly knowledgeable and trained technicians to carry out a full safety inspection to ensure a good running furnace.

The primary reason professional furnace installation may cost much is that you pay for an excellent long-term home investment. With a professional furnace installation service, you’ll enjoy using a furnace for many years. You don’t need to worry about major furnace repairs for ten years or so, compensating the upfront furnace installation cost.

To repair major furnace problems, such as odd smells or noises coming from your heater, you need to contact an expert immediately. These problems may stem from a motor or an electrical issue. In addition, a professional can help assess the overall condition of your furnace.

With the preventive maintenance of a furnace professional, you can enjoy lower gas bills, longer life expectancy, and higher efficiency of your furnace.

A furnace expert can inspect and repair your furnace problems, such as the following:

  • Malfunction Thermostat
  • Cracked Heat Exchanger
  • Odd Smell or Noise
  • Furnace Isn’t Working or Blowing Air

Electrical Issues

Renovation with Concrete

Working with concrete is not a dangerous task as such, but if it goes wrong, the mess that needs to be cleared up will not only need a professional to take care of but also a lot of money.

The wrong combination of concrete or incorrectly poured concrete is going to give you a mess that is completely unstable and unusable.

However keen you might be to take up the tasks of renovation or solving the problems that crop up in your daily life, it is always better to leave some things to the professionals who have not only the required equipment and infrastructure but also the much-needed expertise and knowledge.

In order to help you avoid mishaps, we have compiled this list of tasks that are best left to professionals. It is better not to try to be a ‘Jack of all trades’ in some specific cases.

So go ahead and hire professionals for these tasks and the small problems can be taken care of by you.

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