What You Should Know About VIN Verification

mechanic repairman inspecting car

When you finally decide that it’s time to get a new (or used) car, the feel-good chemicals can shoot above the roof. It is always an interesting affair, even if you have a fleet of beautiful rides parked in your yard. But the car buying process is usually not child’s play. There are certain things to be keen on to ensure you are getting the best deal that the market has to offer.

For instance, you will want a vehicle that suits your lifestyle, needs, preferences, and the intended purpose. Most importantly, you want to make sure you are getting a legit vehicle, and this is where the Vehicle Identification Number comes in. This is why VINs are usually verified by dealerships and buyers before any transaction can take place. With this having been mentioned, here are some things you should know about VIN verification.

1. It Is the DNA of Your Vehicle

Every single car on this planet has its own unique vehicle Identification Number, often referred to as the VIN. A VIN code reveals all the crucial details about the car, from its serial number to its make, the model year, the country where it was made, where it was assembled, and so forth. Note that while vehicle information such as registration numbers can be changed, the VIN remains assigned to the vehicle forever, and it is issued during the production of the vehicle. The VIN is split into three main parts, with the first part identifying the country and the manufacturer of the vehicle. The second part describes the vehicle, while the third part gives the unique identification code for the vehicle. Additionally, it is through VINs that vehicle manufacturers issue car recalls.

2. Crucial When Buying a Second-Hand Car

If you are looking forward to buying a used vehicle, then VIN verification goes a long way in ensuring you make a safe and secure purchase. Most often, the seller may fail to disclose some crucial information when selling their cars. By running a VIN verification check, however, you get to know all the details about the car. For instance, you may realize that the particular car has had multiple accidents or some of its crucial parts have already been replaced. Also, you get to verify other details such as the car's past owners, the last time it was inspected, and so forth.

Moreover, it is a crucial step when buying a used car, renewing registration, or transferring car titles. As the folks at Quick Auto Tags reveal, you don’t even have to stand in long queues to get DMV services these days. You can have a professional intermediary handle all your DMV needs including VIN verification as you tend to other tasks in your life. They save you a lot of time and frustration, especially when buying a used vehicle.

3. It Is Useful During Auto Maintenance and Repairs

“Can I have the VIN of that vehicle?” is probably one of the common questions most auto dealership or spare parts store attendants may ask you when you’re looking for something. Most Fix Auto shops use the vehicle’s VIN to gather your car's maintenance history and the specific parts your car needs for repairs as well as during routine maintenance. Also, most vehicle manufacturers maintain their vehicle VINs to give updates in case of spare part changes. Therefore, ensure you note down somewhere safe the VIN code for your car. You can also take a picture of it using your phone to always have it with you in case you need it to determine a specific part for your car.

4. It Can Be Used To Prevent Car Theft

Frankly, vehicle cloning doesn’t happen that often. However, that doesn’t mean your car can’t be targeted. For that matter, you need to be vigilant, and here, your vehicle's VIN comes in handy. For example, you can make your car less prone to theft by etching your VIN (see more), on specific areas such as the windshield, windows, doors, etc., using some home kit. That way, it would seem quite expensive for an average car thief because they will have to do numerous replacements. They will most likely change the target to another car.

5. Criminals May Use VINs Against us

Regardless of the numerous benefits of VINs, there is also another side of the coin worth noting. Some criminals can devise sophisticated methods of cloning car VINs. They will first decide on the car they want to steal, then find another car of the same make and model, copy its VIN and stamp it on to the stolen car. They will then sell the stolen vehicle and the buyer may not realize the fake VIN until the car is taken in for service or gets involved in an accident. At this point, the search will indicate that VIN is shared with another vehicle. That’s why experts emphasize paying for a complete VIN search that will scrutinize and detect any unrealistic events surrounding a particular car that raises red flags.

6. VIN Fights Crime

checking the technical condition of a car with the help of a checked officer

VINs should be our best friend when it comes to fighting car-related crimes along with more durable and high quality replacement plates you can get at showplatesexpress.com. In fact, there are sites such as Carfax or Autocheck where you just input the unique VIN code and for free of charge, you get to know whether the car has ever been reported stolen or involved in a related crime. Moreover, if the make, model, and year of manufacture don’t match up, then something is not right. Also, remember, the VIN may be found in a few other different places on the car, eg, on the dashboard, on the doors, and so forth, making it important to confirm that the unique code is similar on different parts of the car. That way, you prevent yourself from being part of a car-related crime such as robbery unknowingly.

Just like many others, the automotive industry has evolved and advanced greatly over the past few years. There’s a way to identify each car, and this is through its vehicle identification number. Well, for safety, security, and financial reasons, this number has to be verified before car transactions take place. The above are just a few things you ought to know about VIN verification.

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