With fall upon us, my thoughts are gravitating towards Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Tips. This year is going to be a little different for us since New Baby's due date is on Canadian Thanksgiving! While I'm super excited that it is approaching quickly, it also means we may miss out on all the
awesome grub family gatherings. Either way, it's going to be hectic 'round here.
The holidays are a busy time for many of us, especially with the discovery of “Friendsgiving”. Our family, in particular, usually has roughly 4 gatherings to attend. Neither of our parents are divorced. If you think that's a lot you should hear our Christmas plans. Phew!
Any way you can get ahead or make life easier you should, so listen up! I'm here to help. I'll be offering up some Thanksgiving tips for you to follow if you don't know where to start, are hosting for the first time, or are feeling overwhelmed at the thought of running here, there & everywhere. Maybe it's your first holiday with a new baby. Maybe you have to travel this year. I'll provide some ideas that can hopefully let you enjoy your holiday and not be stressed out.