It's here already! No, not my latest amazon parcel. Although that was pretty exciting, too. I'm talking about the final post of my September Christmas Series!! Wow did that month go by fast. Meaning, our new baby is due to arrive, like, any time. EEK! Okay, before I get sidetracked with onesies and little hats, let's talk about Holiday Leftovers.
Yep, this week we're talkin' food. And oh. em. gee. let me tell ya, I had a helluva time staying on task when I was doing this round up. Do you know how freakin' awesome food bloggers are at photography?! Seriously. If the recipe is good, there's no need to torture us with the tantalizing pictures. Not to mention the drool on my laptop. Oops.
Lucky for you, I'm sharing all those photos here! Don't worry, I won't judge if your tongue hangs out the whole time and your phone screen ends up soaking wet.