If you've been here before, you probably know my Sweet Girl recently turned TWO.
If not, you can read her dedication post here.
To make her day extra special, we decided to go with a Paw Patrol Themed Birthday Party. Really the only show she's familiar with – we rarely have the TV on. Ok, and maybe I picked it because it was so easy and there's tons of ideas on Pinterest. But mostly because she loves the pups.
If you'd rather watch me blab about the party planning, check out the YouTube Vid. I also wrote a guest post for The Elephant Mum on Party Planning Tips.
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Creating the most adorable Paw Patrol Themed Birthday Party
The first thing I did after we decided on the theme was, obviously, peruse Pinterest. I found SO much stuff! Once I had an entire folder for the screenshots, I went through and picked out the decorations I wanted to recreate, and which cake I was going to attempt.
I then made a shopping list and set off.
Except WalMart got the best of me. I bought basically every single Paw Patrol item they had. Oops. Dollarama and Dollar Tree proved useful for a lot of the DIY projects.
Decorating and goodie bags for the Paw Patrol Themed Birthday Party
Paw Patrol paper plates + napkins
- Paw Patrol plastic reusable cups (just for the kids, they were able to take them home)
- Paw Patrol party hats
- Dog bowls
- Plastic clothes pins
- Construction paper
- Packing tape
- Double-sided Tape
- Cardstock
- ALL the stickers
- Streamers
- No products found.
- Dog Bone cookie cutters
- Paw Patrol cookie cutters/templates
- Paw Patrol activity pack (posters, activity book, stickers)
- Paw Patrol tattoos
- Plastic pylons
- Caddy
- Tissue Paper
- Balloons
- Mini play-doh
- Paw Patrol ring suckers
- Paw Patrol bouncy balls
- Crayons
Where to start
Of course, I had lists. I planned out what I had to do each day.
3 days before the party, Sweet Girl and I made the goodie bags.
2 days before, I made the cookies.
I started the cake the day before, and finished icing it the day of the party.
Decorations were made all weekend leading up to the party and then hung the day of the party.
I made an awesome balloon arch, but, unfortunately, didn't get a picture of it! It made Sweet Girl so excited when she came down in the morning and saw it!
The cake.
Okayyyy… so this cake probably weighed over 30lbs. It was a monster. We used about 15% of it – and I cut HUGE pieces.
I used a “pattern” I found on Pinterest. It calls for 1 – 9×13 and 3 – 9″ cakes. However! I figured it should be taller. So I doubled it. Meaning I used FIVE boxes of cake mix. Which is equivalent to 120 cupcakes. And there was a total of 18 adults here and a few kids. Yikes.
Yes, I used box mix. Save yourself the trouble.
But it turned out not so bad! I was honestly expecting a Pinterest Fail, but it wasn't! The only thing that I wish was better was the colour of the blue and red icing.
I purchased this set of templates off Amazon. I used them for the center emblem on the cake and for the give-away cookies.
The DIY Decorations
I bought a set of these cookie cutters, and used them as stencils for a lot of the decorations and for cookies to put in the goodie bags. I liked that they came in 5 different sizes, so it was easy to make cute tags.
All I did to make the little dog-bone labels and “Puppy Chow” tags was trace, cut out and write on the dog bones, attach them using double-sided tape. I “laminated” them with packing tape, then sticky-tacked them to plastic dollar store clothes pins. Voila!
I also made this giant 2 out of cardboard, tissue paper + packing tape.
The food and drinks
You can find out our reasons for the lack of disposables by watching my video. We started off the food line with the plates, napkins (Wipe your paws) and cutlery (Rocky's Reusable Utensils).
Then we got to the food!
- Buns + margarine
- Salads (Paw-sta, caesar + potato)
- Veggie tray (Farmer Yumi's Crop)
- Hotdogs + Hamburgers (we kept it simple this time!)
- Condiments (pickles were Wally's snacks)
On the tables I had the dog bowls with snacks
- Strawberries + Blueberries (Kibble)
- Pup-corn Twists
- Licorice (Fetch Sticks)
- Goldfish (Cali's Treats)
I used the “Water Bowl” Tag for the punch bowl.
Getting your guests in the spirit of things
I wanted to do some decorating outside to get the guests ready for a party. I just did a couple quick ideas. It rained the morning of the party, but, luckily, by 4 o'clock our sidewalk was dry enough to do some chalk drawing!
Puns are just so cute and funny. At least I think so! Haha.
Other decorating ideas for a Paw Patrol Themed Birthday Party
I used the posters in the activity pack from WalMart to decorate. I also used a custom poster from Staples (I mention it in the video) to display in the entry way. I got SO many questions and comments on it!
I found some adorable pylons at the Dollar Tree and stuck stickers on the front and back. They made great center pieces.
Show me your pictures!
I'd love to see what you've done for your child's birthday party. I love theme parties and I can't wait for Pip's first birthday! I'm already working on an adorable idea.